Tran Nguyen
Information System Analysis, Fall 2015
Dr. Sauter
In the 1990s, in reaction to the heavyweight software development methods, many lightweight methods such as Extreme Programming, Dynamic Systems Development Method, Scrum and Crystal Clear were developed to be alternatives of the traditional method. In 2001, representatives from these lightweight methods unified and published the Agile Manifesto. Since then, Software Development Methods under the umbrella of Agile Manifesto have become popular. However, owing the fact that Agile methods has developed ten years ago, several new IT issues especially Information system security are not included in the framework. To avoid threats associated with information security, security needs to be integrated in Agile Software Development Methodologies.
This paper will explore techniques to integrate security into Agile Software Development methods. In order to understand how the techniques work, the paper will first introduce the overview of agile methods, information security, scrum, dynamic systems development method and Extreme Programming. This will be followed by exploring the recent studies about integrating security into three agile methods (Scrum, Dynamic Systems Development Method and Extreme Programming). The paper will conclude with the evaluation of different techniques for integrating security into each agile method.
Agile Methodologies are software development methodologies that follow Manifesto for Agile Software Development. Agile Manifesto (Beck, et al., 2001) states that:
“We are uncovering better ways of developing software by doing it and helping others do it. Through this work we have come to value:
That is, while there is value in the items on the right, we value the items on the left more.”
The main difference between Agile methods and traditional waterfall method is the structure of the development. In the waterfall method, all product features and requirements follow a sequential design process. In the Agile development methods, the project is divided into iterations. Each iteration will implement a part of product requirements. The life cycle of the iteration will start over after each iteration is finished until all product requirements are satisfied.
Agile is a popular approach in Software Development. According to the Spring 2014 DDJ State of the IT Union Survey (Scott Ambler +Associates, 2014), compared to other development methodologies like Ad hoc, Lean and Traditional. Agile methodologies provide better results in return on investment, quality, stakeholder satisfaction, team morale, and delivery time. It is one of the three software development methodologies that have highest success rates (Scott Ambler +Associates, 2013).
There are various methodologies that apply the values of the Agile Manifesto. The popular agile methodologies are Scrum, Extreme Programming, Rational Unified Process, Dynamic System Development Method and Feature Driven Development. Each method or techniques has its own strengths and weaknesses. Depending on the characteristics of the system, the development team will choose an appropriate method or they can combine many methods.
Information Systems Security is "the protection of information systems against unauthorized access to or modification of information, whether in storage, processing, or transit, and against the denial of service to authorized users, including those measures necessary to detect, document, and counter such threats" (Kissel, 2013).
To evaluate the information systems security, C.I.A. triangle is introduced as the classic industry standard for computer security since the development of the mainframe (Whitman & Mattord, 2014). the C.I.A triangle includes three attributes of information security: confidentiality, integrity and availability.
Figure 1 Components of Information Security (Whitman & Mattord, 2014)
If information security is described as a house, the C.I.A triangle is the foundation of the house. Components of information security such as Computer Security, Data Security and Network Security is built based on confidentiality, integrity and availability. In order to maintain a secure built system, Information Security Governance including the management of information security and policy needs to be implemented continuously.
There are several issues that the Agile team have to overcome when integrating security into Agile Software Development:
Although Agile Methodologies share common principles, each Agile Methodology has different ways to integrate security. This paper focuses on three agile software development methods: Scrum, Extreme Programming, and Dynamic Systems Development Method. Because only one or two techniques for integrating security introduced for each method, there are many techniques missing in this paper.
Scrum is a framework that uses fixed time-boxes of one month or less, called Sprint (Schwaber & Sutherland, 2013). When a Sprint end, the next Sprint will start until the product is finished. In Scrum framework, Scrum team will work through Scrum Events to achieve Scrum Artifacts.
Scrum Team consists of Product Owner, Scrum Master and Development Team.
In order to ensure every aspects of the process be visible to all Scrum Team members, Scrum Artifacts are designed and modified in each phase of process. Three common Scrum Artifacts are Product Backlog, Sprint Backlog and Burn down Chart. Product Backlog is an ordered list of requirements, desired functions and features of the product. Product Backlog is created from the early phase by Product Owner and it might be changed during the development process (Schwaber & Sutherland, 2013). From the Product Backlog, a set of selected items become Sprint Backlog. Sprint Backlog can be considered as the goal of the Sprint. After a task done or a Sprint done, the progress will be recorded in a Burn down Chart (James, 2012).
Scrum Team has to work through several events until all tasks in Sprint Backlog is reached. Typically, each Sprint has four events: Sprint Planning, Daily Scrum, Sprint Review and Sprint Retrospective. Sprint Planning is when the Product Owner, Scrum Master and Development Team designs the Sprint Backlog and how they can get the work done. Every day, the Development Team has daily meeting facilitated by Scrum Master. In Daily Scrum, team members report what they did in the previous day, what their obstacles are and what they will do in that day. At the end of the Sprint, Sprint Review is held to demonstrate the working product increments. Before starting a new Sprint, Sprint Retrospective is a meeting for Scrum Master and Development Team to inspect themselves and create the improvement plan for the next Sprint (James, 2012).
Figure 2: The Scrum Life Cycle (MM1, 2012)
There are several methodologies to integrate security into Scrum framework.
Veracode suggested two ways: The Security Sprint Approach and the Every-Sprint approach. In the Every-Sprint approach, the security user stories are included in every Sprint. The main problem of this method is the requirement of a security expert in the Scrum development team which is costly. In the Security Sprint approach, security user stories are analyzed and developed in a distinct Sprint. This approach might delay the development process.
Mongouei, Sani, and Almasi (2013) proposed a secure-enhanced version of Scrum, which is called S-Scrum. They added “Spikes” as a Scrum Events in Scrum Process. This version changed the simple structure of S-Scrum framework.
One of the lightest and simplest method is Secure Scrum. “Secure Scrum is a variation of the Scrum framework with special focus on the development of secure software throughout the whole software development progress” (Pohl & Hof, 2015).
Secure Scrum has four components: Identification, Implementation, Verification and Definition of Done. These four components will be integrated with six Scrum parts to increase the security of software Development. The heart of Secure Scrum is the use of S-Tag and S-Mark.
Figure 3 Integration of Secure Scrum components into standard Scrum (Pohl & Hof, 2015)
The Identification Component identifies security issues through the user stories of Product Owner and stakeholders. Then the security-relevant user stories are ranked by their risk and marked in the Product Backlog. The marker is called S-Mark, which can be a sticker, a dot or a color background. Based on marked user stories, a list of S-Tags is created. An S-Tag describes a security concern. An S-Tag might affect one or many Product Backlog Items. In order words, several Product Backlog items might share the same security concern.
Because Product Backlog Items can change over time to adapt the development process, S-tags can be modified when refining Product Backlog or planning new Sprint.
Figure 4 Usage of S-Tags to mark user stories in the Product Backlog and to connect user stories to descriptions of security related issues (Pohl & Hof, 2015)
The Implementation component is used to ensure the security awareness of the development team. So long as the user story is marked with an S-Mark, the S-Tag must be handled. In some cases, S-Tags can be divided into tasks. These tasks must be marked with an S-Mark.
The Verification Component is a part of the task. It ensures that the team member checked the security issues of S-Mark tasks. The verification component is a part of definition of done. The verification component is managed within the Daily Scrum meeting.
In some cases, the team members do not have enough knowledge or time to verify the security issues of the product and they need external resources. Thus the task cannot be done and a new task for verification is created. The new task will inherit S-Mark and all S-Tags from the original task. External resources can help Scrum Team in enhancing knowledge, solving challenges and providing external view in this task. The Definition of Done component ensure that the verification of the security has to be implemented by either internal or external resources.
The advantages of the Secure Scrum (Pohl & Hof, 2015) over the secure Scrum methods are:
The secure scrum solves two issues of integrating security into agile methods: lack of security knowledge and lack of security awareness. However, when identifying security issues, there is an absence of security expert. The problems related to security might not be recognized until the verification phase. The late presence of security expert can cause many problems such as the deficiency of security identification or the wrong direction while doing the security tasks.
Dynamic Systems Development Method (DSDM) is an agile development framework that delivers the right solution at the right time (DSDM Consortium, 2015). DSDM is built based on Rapid Application Development. Thus, DSDM aims to minimize the time needed to develop the system.
In a DSDM Team, there are many roles related to the management view, the business view, the technical view and the progress view. A person can handle one or more roles. According to the newest version of the DSDM Agile Project Framework (DSDM Consortium, 2014), team roles are divided into three categories: Project-level Roles, Solution Development Team Roles and Supporting Roles.
Orange: Roles representing the business view
Green: Roles representing the technical/solution view
Blue: Roles representing the management/leadership view
Grey: Roles representing the process view
Figure 5 Dynamic Systems Development Method Team Model (DSDM Consortium, 2014)
The Dynamic System Development Method has been developed and there are several differences between the original version and newer versions. Since the original model is widely used in practices and in theoretical research, this paper will use the Dynamic Systems Development Method life cycle version 4.2 developed by DSDM Consortium in 2007. It has five phases: Pre Project, Feasibility Study, Business Study, Functional Model Iteration, Design and Build Iteration, and Implementation (Stapleton, 1997).
The Feasibility Study phase is an assessment to check if the project should use Dynamic Systems Development Method approach or not. The purpose of Business Study is to understand the business processes affected and their information needs.
In the next two phases (the Functional Model Iteration and the Design and Build Iteration), there are four activities in each cycle: Identify Prototype, Agree Plan, Create Prototype and Review Prototype. The Functional Model Iteration focuses on building standard analysis models and product components. In the end of Functional Model Iteration, the Functional Prototype is produced. The Design and Build Iteration ensures that the system has sufficiently high standard and satisfies agreed requirements. The product of the Design and Build Iteration is the Tested System.
The Implementation Phase is a transition phase from development system to operational system. This phase includes several activities: training users, providing user guidelines, receiving the approval of user and reviewing business. The product of Implementation Phase is Delivered System and Increment Review Document.
Depending on the characteristics of the project, the Functional Model Iteration, Design and build Iteration, and the Implementation phase can be overlapped, rearranged or merged.
Figure 6 The DSDM Life Cycle (Messenger, 2006)
As other agile software development methodologies, Dynamic System Development Method does not pay attention to security issues. The research articles about the integration of security into DSDM are very limited. Based on the research on the presence of Software Security concerns in existing Agile practices including DSDM (Sani, Firdaus, Jeong, & Ghani, 2013), only one forum (DSDM Consortium 2002-2006) mentioned security in Dynamic System Development Method.
One proposed technique is fitting SQUARE (Security Quality Requirements Engineering) into the Dynamic System Development Method framework (Mead, Viswanathan, & Zhan, 2008). SQUARE (System Quality Requirements Engineering) is a process that build up the security requirements for information system development. SQUARE Model has nine step and Med, Viswanathan, & Zhan (2008) has combined nine steps into Business Study and Functional Model Iteration of DSDM. The below table summarizes how SQUARE is incorporated into DSDM:
Table 1 Incorporating SQUARE Steps into a DSDM Process (Mead, Viswanathan, & Zhan, 2008)
DSDM Phase | SQUARE Step |
Business study |
Agree on definitions (Step 1) The requirements engineering team and project stakeholders agree on technical definitions that serve as a baseline for all future communication. Security goals (Step 2) Security goals for the project are clearly outlined along with business goals Develop artifacts to support security requirements definitions (Step 3) Create artifacts necessary for full understanding of the system. Perform risk assessment (Step 4) The initial risk assessment of RUP should also include security risk. The identified security risk should then be prioritized. Select elicitation technique (Step 5) Select elicitation technique best suited for the project. Elicit security requirements (Step 6) Gather initial security requirements in terms of misuse cases that support the goals and security definitions already collected. Categorize requirements as to level (system, software) and whether they are requirements or other kind of constraints (Step 7) Categorize the elicited security requirements. Prioritize security requirements (Step 8) The categorized security requirements are prioritized. Prioritizing techniques such as Analytical Hierarchical Process can be used. Requirements inspection (Step 9) The second milestone review process of RUP should include inspection of the security requirements. |
Functional model iteration |
Perform risk assessment (Step 4) This step is revisited to develop a revised risk list. Additional security risks are captured and risks are prioritized. Perform Steps 6, 7, 8, and 9 if new risks arise out of Step 4. |
The limitation of this technique is focusing on only security requirements in the early phases of DSDM (Business Study Phase).
On the contrary with the “Incorporating SQUARE steps into a DSDM process” technique, Sani, Shani, and Jeong (2013) added security phases and sub-phases in later phases of DSDM framework. They called the extended framework as Secure Dynamic Systems Development Method (SDSDM). There are four extensions in SDSDM:
Figure 7 Secure Dynamic Development Method Life Cycle (Sani, Shani, & Jeong, Secure Dynamic System Development Method (SDSDM): Model for Secure Software Development, 2013)
Initially, security issues are discussed in the general functional model iteration. Identifying the functional prototype and identifying security concerns are performed simultaneously.
Then, two phases – secure design phase and secure functional model are added into the development process. Secure functional model phase is performed after functional model iteration and secure design is performed after Design and Build phase. Basically, the Secure Design phase and Secure Functional Model Iteration phase are the Functional Model Iteration and Design and Build Iteration which focus on security activities. These two new phases have the same structure with 4 sub-phases: Identify Prototype, Agree Plan, Create Prototype, and Review Prototype.
Because running a secure system needs professional knowledge, training courses for users are highly encouraged in implementation phase. When using the system, the users will review the security of the system and help the developers recognize security issues.
SQUARE is a process model for eliciting, categorizing, and prioritizing security requirements for information technology systems and applications. By incorporating SQUARE into DSDM, the security requirements are built comprehensively in Business Study. Moreover, the security requirements are revised in functional model iteration. As a result of this method, the security requirements are fully developed. Unfortunately, security requirements cannot ensure the implementation of security tasks in the later phases.
On the contrary with “Incorporating SQUARE steps into a DSDM process”, the Secure Dynamic System Development Method add security-relevant elements into later phases of DSDM. Secure Dynamic System Development method does not discuss details about analyzing the security issues. With two new phases “Secure Design” and “Secure Functional Model”, security codes are built and tested during the development process. The innovative features of the Secure Dynamic System Development Method are security training and security review in implementation phase. Since security tests cannot be handled in short time of iteration, the help of users during implementation is a solution to find errors and improve the security of products.
“Incorporating SQUARE steps into a DSDM process” and “Secure Dynamic System Development Method” can combine together to create a framework for integrating security into DSDM. First, security requirements will be developed in the business study phase and revised in Function model iteration. Then security tasks will be built, tested and reviewed by Secure Dynamic System Development Method.
Extreme Programming is a lightweight methodology developing software in the face of vague or rapidly changing requirements based on addressing constraints in software development (Beck & Andres, Extreme Programming Explained: Embrace Change, 2004).
There are a number of roles in Extreme Programming team: programmer, customer, tester, tracker, coach, consultant, and big boss (Beck, Extreme Programming Explained: Embrace Change, 1999). In these roles, programmer, customer, coach and tracker are must-have roles in the team. A person can have more than one role but they have to be aware which hat they are wearing.
There are twelve major practices in Extreme Programming (Beck, Extreme Programming Explained: Embrace Change, 1999).
The twelve practices support each other. Each practice is described as a puzzle piece and Extreme Programming is a jigsaw puzzle.
Figure 8 The Extreme Programming Practices support each other (Beck, Extreme Programming Explained: Embrace Change, 1999)
According to the literature review about Software Security Engineering in Extreme Programming Methodology (Ghani & Yasin, Software Security Engineering in Extreme Programming Methodology: A systematic Literature Review, 2013), although some researchers do agree that security elements can be integrated into Extreme Programming, there are few specific research studies about secure Extreme Programming. Two notable research studies about integrating security into Extreme Programming are “Role-based Extreme Programming (XP) for Secure Software Development” (Ghani, Izzaty, & Firdaus, Role-based Extreme Programming (XP) for Secure Software Development, 2013) and “Improved Extreme Programming Methodology with Inbuilt Security” (S., Norwawi, Selamat, & Sharif, 2011).
According to Ghani et al. (2013), adding security elements into Extreme Programming framework without a security expert is not effective. They introduced a new role in Extreme Programming called “Security Master”. A Security Master is responsible for the security of the developed software. Fundamentally, a Security Master is a Programmer who focus on security elements.
Figure 9 Ten Extreme Programming Practices of a Security Master (Ghani, Izzaty, & Firdaus, Role-based Extreme Programming (XP) for Secure Software Development, 2013)
The Security Master involves in ten Extreme Programming Practices: planning game, metaphor, coding standard, simple design, small release, continuous integration, pair programming, collective code ownership, 40-hours per week and refactoring. Figure 8 summarizes the working progress of a Security Master. First of all, the Security Master lists security requirements and adds security elements into the metaphor. Like other programmers in Extreme Programming, they work 40 hours a week, program in pair, get the code together every time the task completed. If the security design if not good enough, they have responsibility to refactor. Different from programmers who do unit test and customers who do functional test, the Security Master has to do security test in Testing Phase.
Inbuilt Security is another way to integrating security into Extreme Programming (S., Norwawi, Selamat, & Sharif, 2011). The method behind the Inbuilt Security is adding security-relevant elements into eleven out of ten practices of the Extreme Programming framework:
Inbuilt Security and Role-based Extreme Programming have different approaches. Both of the methods keep the core concepts of Extreme Programming. The development process of Extreme Programming is unchanged.
Inbuilt Security method emphasizes the insertion of security-relevant tasks into the practices of Extreme Programming. This method does not mention about new team member. The extreme programming team without a security expert can prevent the team from the accomplishment of security tasks. Furthermore, some practices of extreme programming conflict with the requirements of security activities. For example, the involvement of business people in threat modelling can cause an overload of jargon and reduce the effectiveness of threat modelling.
Role-based Extreme Programming draws attention on a new role in Extreme Programming called Security Master. The security of the product heavily depends on the skills of the Security master. If the security master is unqualified, the hole in the security of the product is unavoidable.
As the number of software hit by cyber attacks is skyrocketing, building security into the software development becomes an essential part of software development processes. Agile approach is one of the most popular software development approaches and methodologies using this approach needs to be modified to adapt the increase threats and vulnerabilities of information system. Many researchers around the world are developing secure agile methodologies based on the existing Agile methodologies. This paper introduced Secure Scrum, Secure Dynamic System Development Method, SQUARE in Dynamic System Development Method, Role-based Extreme Programming, and Inbuilt Security in Extreme Programming. The Secure Scrum suggests security marks and tags on user stories, backlogs and tags. The Secure Dynamic System Development Method offers new phases and sub-phases into Dynamic System Development Method Life Cycle. SQUARE in Dynamic System Development Method proposes SQUARE steps included in business study phase. Role-based Extreme Programming recommends a new team member – security master. Inbuilt Security in Extreme Programming adds security-relevant elements into Extreme Programming practices. Although several issues of integrating security into agile methodologies are solved, those methods have many limitations. The combination of related methods can eliminate some weaknesses and improve the existing methods.
<--Figure 1 Components of Information Security (Whitman & Mattord, 2014)1
Figure 2: The Scrum Life Cycle (MM1, 2012)1
Figure 3 Integration of Secure Scrum components into standard Scrum (Pohl & Hof, 2015)1
Figure 4 Usage of S-Tags to mark user stories in the Product Backlog and to connect user stories to descriptions of security related issues (Pohl & Hof, 2015)1
Figure 5 Dynamic Systems Development Method Team Model (DSDM Consortium, 2014)1
Figure 6 The DSDM Life Cycle (Messenger, 2006)1
Figure 7 Secure Dynamic Development Method Life Cycle (Sani, Shani, & Jeong, Secure Dynamic System Development Method (SDSDM): Model for Secure Software Development, 2013)1
Figure 8 The Extreme Programming Practices support each other (Beck, Extreme Programming Explained: Embrace Change, 1999)1
Figure 9 Ten Extreme Programming Practices of a Security Master (Ghani, Izzaty, & Firdaus, Role-based Extreme Programming (XP) for Secure Software Development, 2013)1
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